Thursday, December 31, 2009

some random videos

This is me riding Vanna in the recent snow on Christmas Eve. We had fun being the first ones leaving tracks in the white blanket of snow....

Unfortunately, my Mom videotaped it with my tape in her German video camera and I can't play the video in my camera. So I needed to play it in her's and took a video with my photo camera (are you all confused by now?) so that I can post it here...

Lesson learned about the video cameras and today BarnChris could take some more videos of me and Vanna. Somehow I am not sitting as good as I did on Frisby, I guess I am out of shape and that Vanna is a little too small for legs are ok but not my upper body..I look so huge on her! That poor thing!

Blogger has problems with uploading my videos that are longer than 30 seconds so here another one

This is Chris and her other horse Stuart. He learns tricks in no time and every time Chris says she and Kevin had taught him a new trick! Here he needs to get down and bows right and left:

Here Stuart takes the 'hanky' from Kevin

and here he takes Kevin's hat! Good boy, Stuart!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Ende November bin ich zum Target Portrait Studio (das ist eine Fotoabteilung eines grossen Kaufhauses, wie etwa plaza, real oder Kaufhof), weil ich mit den Wal-Mart Bildern sehr unzufrieden war. Und zwei Freunde haben unabhaengig voneinander mir gesagt, dass Target klasse Bilder machen wuerde...

Diese Bilder habe ich in zwei verschiedenen Glasrahmen angeordnet und sie Chris geschenkt. Er hat sich sehr darueber gefreut. Wir muessen nur noch einen geeigneten Platz fuer die Fotorahmen finden, dann mache ich auch davon Bilder...

Jonah ist fast 2,5 Jahre alt, Olivia fast 4,5 Jahre.

Monday, December 28, 2009


In Amerika ist es ja immer doller als in unserer Zeitung wurden neulich Haeuser genannt, die besonders schoen geschmueckt sind.

Wir sind dann abends nach dem Einkauf mal in der Nachbarschaft rumgefahren und haben geschaut, was es so alles gibt:

Diese Haeuser waren ja schon nicht schlecht, auch wenn es nicht unbedingt meinen Geschmack traf...

Aber dann kamen wir zu diesem!

Die Dame des Hauses hat wohl (laut Zeitungsbericht) ihr Haus beim Erfinden des Hauses nach Moeglichkeiten der Weihnachtsbeleuchtung sah schon klasse aus, die Kinder waren hin und weg!

Hier ein Video des Hauses:

He holds a little little baby, in his hands...

Olivia learned this song at pre-school and she brought tears to my eyes when she was all of a sudden singing it to me 2-3 months ago..

Jonah now learned from Olivia and tries his best, too!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Snowboarding im Loveland Pass Resort

Seitdem ich hier in Colorado wohne, sind Chris und ich noch nicht einmal Ski gefahren. Ich konnte halt nie wegen Frisby und Schwangerschaften, oder ich war halt am Stillen. Aber jetzt, da meine Mutter hier war (ist gestern wieder nach Hause und gut angekommen), konnten wir die Gelegenheit endlich wahrnehmen, und in die Berge fahren.

Ich bin das letzte Mal in den Dolomiten um 1992 Ski gefahren, Chris ca. 1 Jahr bevor ich herkam. Er hat schon zweimal auf einem Snowboard gestanden, ist aber natuerlich noch immer ein Anfaenger.

Ich wollte jetzt nicht koennend (huestel) auf meinen Skiern den Berg runter, waehrend Chris sich mit dem Snowboard abkaempft, also bin ich dann auch zum ersten Mal mit dem Snowboard gefahren.

Aber erstmal zu den Bildern:

Dies Foto war vom 24.12., dem zweiten Tag, als wir zum Loveland Ski Resort gefahren sind. Ich hatte schon tags zuvor ein Bighorn Sheep gesehen, welches nah auf einem Felsen an dem Interstate 70 stand und war fuer den naechsten Tag mit meiner Kamera vorbereitet...und sah in der gleichen Gegend 4!!

Wir haben Denver im grauen Schneeregen verlassen und kamen dann zu wunderbarem Sonnenschein! Loveland Resort ist ca. 1 Stunde von Broomfield entfernt.
Das zweite Foto zeigt den Anfaengerhuegel, den wir am ersten Tag genutzt haben.
Die Liftanlage des Anfaengerhuegels beginnt direkt am Parkplatz.
Zum Glueck haben wir Skibrillen gekauft, da sie wirklich gut sind und das Gesicht in der kalten Luft schuetzen! In Deutschland hatte ich die Brille immer nur bei Schneefall auf...ts ts ts
Der Spass beginnt...

Fuer's allererste Mal kam ich schon recht sicher unten wieder am Lift an...das Aussteigen aus dem Lift ist eine voellig andere Geschichte *lach*...*purzel*

Hier ein Video von Chris. Er wurde immer besser! Er hat auch von mir ein Video mit seinem Mobil Telefon gemacht...aber bis ich daran komme, ist es naechstes Jahr!

Am zweiten Tag sind wir nur 2x den Bunnyhuegel runter (Anfaengerhuegel), dann ging es auf den naechsten Lift fuer blaue Abfahrten! Der Schnee an sich war klasse, an manchen Stellen hatte sich doch Eis drunter gebildet und so wurden unsere Moeglichkeiten getestet.
Auf diesem Bild sieht man, das wir fast ueber der Baumgrenze sind. Gaaanz unten im Tal ist der Highway zu erkennen...und ich bin stolz auf mich, dass ich diesen 3er Sessellift ueberstanden habe, wo ich doch ganz schrecklich Hoehenangst habe!
Diese Lifte hier haben keinen Sicherheitsbuegel oder aehnliches, sie sind wie ein ganz normaler Stuhl...ich hab mich richtig festgeklammert...

Auch habe ich nicht einen orangenen Fangzaun gesehen. Wo es 'ab in die Baeume' ging, war einfach nur ein Seil in 1m Hoehe gespannt, welches mit organgenen Faehnchen gespickt war...nix mit Sicherheit hier!!

Und dann auf dem Weg nach Hause das obligatorische Bison Foto. Kurz bevor man in Denver ist, ist auf den letzten Huegeln ein Bisonresort. Man sieht die Herde recht oft. Tags zuvor sind zwei grosse Bisons direkt am Zaun zum Highway vorbeimaschiert, natuerlich hatte ich meine Kamera nicht griffbereit. Aber auf dem Heimweg war ich ja lernt ja schliesslich dazu!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Random things

Our friendly neighbor Cindy gave us some of her Christmas yard decoration that she used in prior years. Now they decided to go with a different decoration and she asked if we wanted her old ones..of course we did!! Jonah and Olivia had a blast putting everything up and when it is dark all the presents and stars look pretty cool! Thanks, Cindy!!

This is now our house in all it's decorative beauty:

My Mom made for the first time in her life a gingerbread house. Well, a pre-made one but it was fun for her to put it all together with the help of Olivia.
The house turned out pretty and it lasted for about 3 days until the kids decided to eat it. Unfortunately, the candy on it got really hard so after the house was half eaten, I threw it away. Olivia and Jonah did not even realize it so shhhhhh!!!

On a completely other note:
Since several weeks Jonah is sweating the heck out of himself during nap time and his night's sleep. When I get him he's soaking wet, from hair to his toes. I need to wash the complete bedding and his PJ's. We tried different things to keep him from sweating (lighter bedding, open windows, turn on the fan, no pans or shirts, just diapers...) but nothing helped...every time after waking up he's completely soaked and the sheets look like he peed into bed...really, a big wet spot that covers the complete top half of the mattress.
He as well started to get the bedding completely over himself and when he wakes up and I am there he said that he was hiding...nightmares??

So we got his toddler bed out of the basement and put it into Olivia's room...and guess what! He does not sweat any more! It really looks like he has nightmares of some sort even he's not whiny in his sleep. After sleeping twice in Olivia's room his sweats are completely gone and he really sleeps long hours now.
So after 4 nights we put him back into his room and he's sweaty again. So now he's back in Olivia's room and I am thinking about getting them bunk beds. Olivia really likes her brother being in her room, they share everything nice and Jonah loves his little bed so much, that he goes into his bed and puts the bedding up to his chin even I want to get him dresses!! LOL
So, we'll see how long this will last...

Friday, December 18, 2009

My Mom is here!

My Mom from Germany is here since Dec 3rd and therefore I have not been posting as much as I used to (not that I posted much before...LOL). But now we are kind of busy in doing things and my Mom will leave on Christmas Eve and so we enjoy the time that we still have.

So, where to start?

Chris put up our Christmas lights on Thanksgiving weekend. He needs to climb out of the guestroom window onto the garage roof to install the lights on top of the house. I am thinking of leaving the lights there for the entire year, so that he does not need to get up again to take themall down? LOL

I tried to help him this year but my adventurous nature only had me standing free on the roof for about 30 Seconds and I decided to get back inside...I am hight afraid so I did not want to take any chances. I tried to hang up some lights with the ladder over the garage door but let me tell you: I had already trouble in climbing up the ladder to reach the gutter (Regenrinne)!

So, no, this is definitely hubby's job!

My Mom got here when we still had a little to no snow remaining on the ground. But a couple of days later it snowed heavily and we were again in Winter Wonderland!

In fact,it was soo gorgeous that we went with the kids sledding down the hill at the park! We had so much fun, we were alone and it was just plain gorgeous!

Jonah pulled the sled up the hill all the time by himself and went down on his own. He LOVED it!

And here a Video with my Mom sledding with the kids!

Monday, December 7, 2009


We wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving with Chris' family. We should have been in South Denver around noon so we packed our boxer dogs and the kids into the car and headed south at 11:30. At the very next traffic light we saw two teenage boys squatting and trying to get two dogs, who were running around free...they strotted from this side of the street to that side, were kind of calm but too shy to be taken at their collars.
One was a big St. Bernard mix (Bernhardiner) and one was a black Shar Pei.
We needed to stop at the red light anyway and Chris asked me to pull over so that he can get out of the car trying to catch the dogs.
I mean, we were on the road for THE lunch of the year and now we were sitting here on the curb trying to get two strange dogs...
So while Chris tried to get close to the dogs, other people already gathered trying to catch them, too. Luckily, a lady was jogging by and she had two friendly labradors on the leash who atracted the free running dogs.

The lady could get a hold of the bigger dog's collar while the Shar Pei was just walking by. The lady lost grip of the dog again because nobody of the bystanders did take over the leashes of her two dogs...can you imagine being on a sidewalk at a very busy street with 3 big dogs and you don't even know if the 3rd one will harm you or your dogs...anyway, the lady could catch him again and one other pedestrian had a very simple leash that you get from the vet so we could secure this dog. A couple of minutes later, the group could catch the Shar Pei.

I in the meantime called Animal Control. These are police officers just for animal related stuff, we don't have those in Germany. So, I called (I have this number saved in my cell phone due to a few coincidents at the dog park) and the dispatcher told me that Animal Control is on their way to get the dogs from us (actually, the dogs were still running free at the time of me calling).

Anyway, so we were sitting at the street, kids still straped in the car seats, the boxers looking out of the back window of the car, me standing at the open door on the passenger side, Chris squatting down besides both dogs and a couple waiting of what will happen next.

I called Animal Control again because it was hot (in the 70ties but with long sleeves and long pants it felt HOT) and we wanted to get to the Thanksgiving lunch...we had appetizers in the car with a dip that really should be in the fridge...I got a different dispatcher on the phone and he said that they got a more urgent call but after that situation is done,they would come....excuse me? We don't have anything to do with those dogs, just come and get them! I want to leave!!

I asked if we can drop off the dogs somewhere and he said sure, come by the police station and we get the dogs from you. So I got the kids out of the car, the big dog started growling at Jonah even the dog did not get up or no fur was standing but it was still kind of frightening. So I pulled Jonah to the near by parking lot, got Olivia out of the car and got her behind the parking lot fence, too. Then I opened the trunk to get the boxers out. Luckily, they were on the leash, and I could directly walk them as well to the parking lot.
Chris got both dogs inside the car, the couple left and I walked with kids and dogs into the open space, waiting for Chris to return.

A couple of minutes later, Chris called. The police office is closed, nobody there!

I called the Animal Control dispatcher again. (I already talked to two different people, this was the first person again).
When he answered, he said that Chris should go into the lobby and there is an intercom he can use.

So I called Chris back and told him what the dispatcher told me. I already felt like attaching the dogs to the nearest tree and just leave.

Of course Chris stayed and called again that he finally was with an officer who took the dogs. I should go back home and he will pick me up there again.

The policemen were actually waiting for Animal Control to come to get the dogs from Chris so there was no reason at all for us to 'deliver' the dogs when Animal Control was involved anyway!!

But as I said, finally a normal police officer took the dogs. Luckily, the dogs did not destroy the car, the back packs of the kids or the food while Chris was sitting in the lobby. I only have dog hair all over the place in the car because these two guys roamed the entire car, from front seat to the trunk.

We don't know if the dogs found their real home, both had collars on but no tags. Well, we did what we would do again and we hope that somebody would do this for us when one of our dogs would run loose in the street!

We finally got to Chris' parents at around 1:30 pm and had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.

What can I say? These days make memories...