For both Olivia and Jonah school started this week. He goes twice a week in the mornings to preschool at the same school Olivia attends first grade. Poor Olivia has a VERY long my opinion much too long for a 6 year old! School starts for her at 8:40 and pick-up is at 3:30 in the afternoon. The school has a cafeteria where she can buy a meal or I prepare her a lunch that she can eat. But still, a very long day.
So far she's enjoying school. In Broomfield she attended Kindergarten with 17 kids in her class (including her) and now they are 28! And just one t
eacher! No assistance for her! Poor teacher...but I am able to volunteer in Olivia's class and see what she is doing all day....
Jonah loves preschool! Finally he can play all morning and in his class there are just 9 kids, 6 boys, 3 girls. The teacher even has a pet bearded dragon in a terrarium in the class names Spike.
The teacher, Miss Laura, is really nice and just laughs all day. Tomorrow I will post pictures of Olivia's and Jonah's class rooms, so different to when I started school a couple of years back :-)
The school is a tad further away than the one in Broomfield that Olivia attended. The kids rode once the scooters to school and I was not aware that the entire time it got slightly uphill and me running after them got very sweaty. Luckily, on the way back, I could take Olivia's scooter since I forgot to bring a key chain with me to lock her scooter.
One time I drove them to school since it looked like it was going to rain any minute and today we rode our bikes. Luckily I could get my bike out of the cluttered and still messy garage so that we were able to go to school with our bikes. I found a back road going to school where is almost no car traffic and tons of kids ride their bikes or walk to school this way.
The school has a huge playground for all ages and Jonah likes to play there a little bit after we dropped of Dudu in the mornings.