Last time it snowed (about 2-3 weeks ago), we got like 2 feet (60 cm) of snow. The snow came predicted on Thursday evening and the news stations said, we will get a LOT of schools got closed on Friday, Papa worked from home and it still snowed all day long on Friday.
It was such a blizzard that even the biggest mall in Colorado, Park Meadows, closed its doors at 5 pm (instead of 10 pm) to ensure that everybody makes it home safely.
IKEA closed at 5, libraries did not even open that was CRAZY!
our trashcans at the side of the yard coverd in snow...the thing on the right leaning against the Aspen tree is a wheelbarrow (Schubkarre)
Papa shoveling the street free, so that his car does not get stuck from getting out of the garage into the street...we had that once, don't need to have this again...
Of course, on Saturday the sun came out, we had the most beautiful weather and the kids wanted to go sledding. I took my good camera with me and got some nice shots of Jonah.
Olivia was not feeling so well (at this time our 3 week long sickness started) and we were only in the snow for about 40 minutes before heading back home.
But Jonah surely enjoyed the time he had with his sled!
I already shoveled once a path for the dogs in the backyard earlier that day but needed to do it again just in a few couples of hours. So that you have a better idea of how much snow we got, a short video from Tobi and Popcorn playing in the snow...