Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Last day at Kindergarten the week before Christmas. There was a Gingerbread House party and parents and sibling could join.
Jonah had much fun being at Kindergarten with Olivia and when the teacher Miss Pries was telling something and everybody needed to gather around her, Jonah did go there with Olivia and Oli was putting her arm around him - sooooo cute! I took a ton of pictures of it because this is probably not lasting for long through their childhood!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas mail

My dear friend Joanna sent a Thank You card for her son's Jacob's birthday back in November (I am late in posting). This is the thank you note and Olivia is actually reading a handwritten card for the first time!

Joanna as well sent a Christmas card including two pictures from her kids and my silly kids were running around with them all day and taped the pictures over their beds!

Merry Christmas!

Some pictures in front of our tree

Snowmen as dessert at Chris' parents house...

..and reindeers!!

The Bed Olivia wants

At Bed Bath and Beyond we saw this bed...of course Olivia was in love! She actually asked me if she can lay down to try it out....silly girl!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Flowergirl Dresses

Tim (Chris' brother) and Jessi's wedding is coming up in June and Olivia will be a flower girl. We tried on some dresses but nothing has been picked so far.

Of course Olivia loved playing dress up!

This is probably the style we are going with. Different colors of course and size fitting!

Christmas Lights!

Yesterday was the day to drive around the neighborhood to take a look at some fancy Christmas Lights!

This is the house at Tincup Circle, where we were last year, too. What should I say? It got bigger and better! They have now displays in every window and two trains going on the front porch!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Budweiser Werbung - echt klasse!!

Fuer alle, die es nicht wissen...Budweiser ist ein amerikanisches Bier. Die Brauerei haelt sich diverse Clydesdale (Kaltblueter) fuer ihre Wagen. Damit machen sie jedes Jahr eine neue Werbung.

Diese Werbung ist fuer dieses Jahr:

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Olivia is reading

Here's a little something of Olivia reading random books from the library. I can't upload any more videos right now since they are too long and don't upload on here. Therefore you need to go just with this one :-)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Vanna and her horsemanship

Desensitizing with handystick and string

Vanna should not move, she should relax with whatever I 'throw' at her. This makes a safer horse that uses his 'thinking' side of the brain, and not the 'reacting' (flight) one.

Vanna does not love this exercise (ears back) but she does not move, either. She's not really relaxed but she stands still for at least 15 seconds, so I reward her with rubbing her with the stick.

Same exercise on the other side of the horse. Whatever the horse is used to see out of the left eye, it could be a totally spooky object seen out of the right eye so all the desensitizing exercises need to be done on both sides of the horse (and last, on the front).

Backing up Method #1

Vanna should back up with me tapping the air with the stick. She backs up but is kind of lazy about it. She should back up much faster. But with me holding the camera, stick and string and try to talk and try to count, I really could not do more! LOL

Yielding hind quarters

Vanna should turn her hind away from me when I tap the air with the stick or eventually just point with my finger/look at it as I go towards it. She should step with her left hind in front of her right (crossing over). You start with one step initially but since Vanna is pretty good at it, she gave me already two or three.

Her inside front leg should at best not move, just stay on the ground and move in a circle. First, Vanna was waling around with her front a lot but the better she got with yielding her hind quarters the better she gets in just pivoting around with the front.

I am actually not trying to teach her how to count, the counting 1-4 does help in keeping a steady rhythm in tapping the air with the stick.

Backing up Method #2

You wiggle the rope and wave the stick underneath it from right to left to right and walk towards her. Since I had the camera I could not wave the stick. And I still don't get it why there are 4 different methods in backing up the horse. I even did not find an answer to this watching Clinton Anderson's DVDs.

Yielding the fore quarters

This should be one of the most difficult exercises. It takes a while until the horse understands what you try to teach him since the horse will back up, go forward or ignores you completely. Vanna does all three. So finally after watching Clinton's video again, I could manage to get one right step from Vanna. But most of the time she's still pivoting on her front leg (same as yielding the hind quarters) but in this exercise Vanna actually should pivot on her inside hind leg, not swinging her butt around and just bend her neck away. So this is something we need to work on! But we got a step and this is a beginning!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dementia Quiz

This is too good to not pass on....

Dementia Quiz:

First question:

You are a participant in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?


If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong if you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are in second place!

Try to do better next time. Now answer the second question, but don't take a smuch time as you took for the first question, ok?

Second question

If you overtake the last person, then you are...?


If you answered that you are second to last, then you are .....wrong again! Tell me sunshine, how can you overake the last person?

Third question

Very tricky arithmetic.
Note: This must be done in your head only. Do not use paper and pencil ar a calulator. Try it.

Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000 and add 30 add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total?


Did you get 5000?

The correct answer is actually 4100....

It is definitely not your day, is it?
Maybe you get the last question right...maybe....

Fourth question

Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana 2. Nene 3 Nini 4. Nono and?????

What is the name of the fifth daughter?


Did you answer Nunu? NO!!!!!!
Of curse it is not! Her name is MARY. Read the question again!!

Okay, now the bonus round

A final chance to redeem yourself!

A mute person goes into a shop and wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brusching the teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Next, a blind man comes into the shop who wants to buy a pair of sunglasses. How does he indicate what he wants?


It's really very simple...he opens his mouth and asks for it....

Does your employer actually pay you to think?????

Have a nice day, sunshine...see you on the short yellow bus!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Update on Popcorn

Popcorn is doing great. He got neutered with 5 months old in October and was a bit whiny in the evening when we got him home but just playful and his old self the next morning. He never licked or bit his incision so all was good.

I tried to trim his nails with a dremel (I use it for the boxers) but Popcorn was still to freaked out by the sound of it so I just cut his nails. But yesterday I tried to trim his nails again and he was fine with it! He did not love it and was kind of avoiding me in sitting up and pushing his weight against me, looking into the other direction but let me do my thing! He got a big belly rub afterwards!

This night he threw up or pooped in his cage so he needed to get a bath before 6 a.m. already and he was fine getting a bath, too! The last time he got a bath (in the summer) in the sink down in the utility room he was quite squirmy and tried to jump out of the sink but today he even sat down in the kid's bath tub and just let me do my thing. He was soo good! And now he's all shiny and good smelly and the fur is so soft and to love it! What a good 6 months old boy! Oh, and he's potty trained since 4 months old so all is good....

PS: At his neuter appointment he weighted in a whooping 20 pounds! Even Bobo was only weighting 16 pounds! Wuckel is for sure a big and heavy boy!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Miracles pictures

Miracles Therapeutic Riding is the organization of Chris Griffith, for whom I ride the Fjord Vanna for. They had trick or treating on horseback on Saturday before Halloween and I got to get some pictures from the newspaper site. The Broomfield Enterprise even featured them on the front page on the Wednesday issue!


Folly as Angel

Vanna as Devil

Stuart as Pirate
for more pictures click here

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We got a new roof.

Since the hailstorm in late May hundreds of roofs got replaced in our neighborhood. Last week it was our turn.
The truck arrives with the roofing material.

It gets loaded up on the roof
2 days later, the gang arrives

Roofers at work

luckily the weather was good for the roof being replaced
and this is how everything sounded...the entire day...for almost 2 days...ugh

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Good morning!

The beautiful sunrises we see most mornings...
Within a couple of minutes, it changes a lot! This is a different sunrise though...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Ich lebe noch! Halbwegs!! Bin seit gestern krank...komischer Magen-Darm Virus, aber definitiv schon auf dem Wege der Besserung!
Ist natuerlich keine Entschuldigung, mit meinem Blog hier ewig nichts mehr zu machen. War irgendwie super busy die letzten Wochen, dass ich zum Update keine Lust hatte.

Chris sieht sich nach einer neuen Arbeitsstelle um, und wenn das mit dem Job klappt, ziehen wir definitiv in den Sueden Denvers um. Ich koennte dann auch bei IKEA arbeiten, wenn der Laden endlich Herbst naechsten Jahres aufmacht. Wir wuerden dann auch naeher bei seinen Eltern wohnen und es waere fantastisch, wenn Linda sich um die Zwerge kuemmern koennte, waehrend ich Vollzeit arbeite...daher habe ich hier im Haus ausgemistet und viele Kindersachen auf Craigslist gestellt und sie auch verkaufen koennen. Und wenn ich grade mal im Aufraeumwahn bin, dann ist kein Stoppen. Dazu muss ich halt auch Lust haben und wir hatten so schoene zwei Wochen, morgens kalt, aber noch kein Frost, nachmittags ueber 20 Grad und Sonne....und in der Zeit, in der Jonah schlaeft, kann ich ja eh nicht raus, daher halt organisieren und verkaufen, was das Zeug haelt.

Die Woche vor Halloween sind wir durch die Strassen gefahren und haben Ausschau nach Haeusern gehalten, die schoen dekoriert waren. Ein Mann in Broomfield faehrt immer rum und in unserem Lokalblaettchen wurden seine Favoritenhaeuser genannt. Daher wusste ich, wo ich hinfahren musste.

Hier ein Haus aeusserst klasse dekoriert!


Den Samstag vor Halloween waren wir bei Matthew zu einer Halloweenparty eingeladen. Es hat viel Spass gemacht, selbst Chris hat sich mit den Eltern der anderen Kindern amuesiert!

Halloween startete fuer uns schon um 4 Uhr nachmittags, weil unsere Nachbarschaft 'Red Leaf' zur Halloweenparade um den Tunnelpark eingeladen hat. Bei wunderschoenem Wetter machten sich die Kinder auf...

Erst waren wir die ersten, aber innerhalb kuerzester Zeit war eine Menschenmenge zugegen!

Ein anderer Incredible! Jonah konnte es kaum glauben!

Von dort aus sind die Kinder dann Trick or Treaten gegangen und kamen ungelogen mit 2 kg Suessigkeiten wieder nach Hause....die Suessigkeiten halten sich sicherlich bis naechstes Jahr!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

This time of year again - Pumpkin Farm!

Gorgeous weather leads to gorgeous pictures!!