Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Moving out!

Olivia was sleeping in Jonah's room for quite a while but it drove me nuts that the kids were still arguing over stuff or hitting each other or jumping off of each other's bed to the opposite bed...somehow the kids were not falling asleep as fast as we hoped.

And since the weather was cloudy a lot in the afternoons (means, Olivia's room facing west was not as hot as it used to be during the summer) I decided to move her back into her room. She was not really happy about it but I needed to draw a line about the kids' behaviour in the evening.

So, it took me about 2 weeks to get clothes, furniture, toys and decoration transfered into the right rooms but this is now the final outcome:

For my German friends: The big white thing between trunk and window is a portable aircondishion that hooks up into the window. Currently it is not hooked up into it.


J said...

do you not have a/c?
that is sad that they have to be separate. :(

Marion in Colorado said...

We do have a/c but her room faces hot west, and the little vent she has is too little for her big room to cool down. So to the normal a/c we use a portable window one in addition..:-(
I would love to have the kids share a room but when they can't behave despite several warnings they need to sleep in their own rooms. Plus, we still have the toddler mattress that we could put on Jonah's floor when Olivia's room does get too hot so that she has a 'sleepover'.. :-)