Thursday, September 29, 2011

Playing with Frisby!

I visited Frisby last Saturday on a whim since Papa said he would take the kids to Honey and Big Papa while he is doing some fish tank stuff over there. So I thought it would be perfect to visit Frisby and play with him a little!
I took my rope halter and lead rope and stick with me, grooming box just in case Lisa is not home and I do not find any grooming supplies, and I took my dressage saddle just to see if it fits Frisby.
I was really excited to see him but he was the Frisby I knew. Very laid back and lazy.
When I was doing some Clinton Anderson techniques and tried to back up Frisby, I needed to whack Frisby's nose a couple of times for him to understand that i was serious about him moving his feet backwards.

This somehow cracked me up!

Frisby really did not change a little bit and Lisa even said I can come out any time and ride him down the trails and this and that...I am so happy to be involved in the life of my former horse! I will try to make it down to him twice a month but first I need a dressage girth that is long enough for him! Vanna needed the smallest on the market (like 22") and Frisby needs at least 10" more. So I am looking on Craigslist for some good deals in this department! I can't wait to actually sit on Frisby again, after riding Vanna for 3 years! This will be a difference!

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