Friday, January 29, 2010

Olivia hat mich gestern abend zum ersten Mal im Englischen berichtigt. Es gab etwas ueber eine Eule (Owl) zu lesen. Ich sprech es immer al 'O-u-l' aus. Olivia sagt:, Mama, das heisst A-U-L!' Na, jetzt weiss ich das auch endlich :-)

Jonah hat auch seine erste Uebersetzung geleistet. Wir haben morgens im Bett gekuschelt und er erzaehlt: A butterfly - Schmetterling, up in the air!

Jonah spricht sowieso recht viel, aber meist auf Englisch.


J said...

You are a crazy German lady! I am trying to understand this post, but it is lost on me! Darn Google translate. I love that Olivia is correcting you, that is hilarious. Love ya,

Marion in Colorado said...

Yep, it said that I pronounced the word owl wrong and she corrected me. Now I need to look up what else I wrote :-)

Marion in Colorado said...

...and it says that Jonah did his first translation..butterfly means Schmetterling in German. And that he talks now a lot and whole sentences but talks more English than German :-(
Love you too, Marion

J said...

Ok, that's about what I got, minus a few things...I love that your children are bilingual. And that you pronounce owl wrong. ;) Yes I am still pregnant.