Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Raw Diet

So, Chris decided to feed the Boxers raw diet. Raw as in RAW! Like pure chicken tights, liver and such...it is gross!!But the dogs like it and are drawn to it like a duck to water!Unfortunately, Nellie vomits every time after she has eaten...so maybe we will change her diet or just get hardwood floor and deal with it..LOL


Steffi said...

Da kommt die eigentlich laengst verschollene Tieraertzin in mir hoch...lasst das bitte bleiben: http://www.tierklinik.de/ratgeber.00057
Hunde duerfen nur erhitztes Fleisch fressen!
Liebe Gruesse Steffi

J said...

We fed Maisy a raw diet for a while. Make sure they get lots of bones in there! (Just recently we switched her to a really good canned food, she's old and extraordinarily picky and wasn't thriving on the raw anymore) My mom came once and was so mortified that we were feeding her raw chicken carcass! Ha ha ha Yay for Chris!

J said...

Have you considered trying to gradually switch Nellie instead of going full raw? Mix a tiny bit in with what she usually eats and then slowly add more of the raw, less of the other...

Marion in Colorado said...

Hey J, I had Nellie just on chicken without any pork or such and she was just doing fine. Today I gave her her first pork and she has not thrown up yet (2 hours later). So keep your fingers crossed!
I know how your Mom felt...I don't really like all the dead stuff, either!! LOL

@ Steffi: Danke fuer den Link, werde ihn mir gleich mal ansehen!!